Monday, 22 October 2012


Hello C:

Right, well the other day I found out that the guards offered me a weeks work experience, I was delighted! I wrote them a letter before summer started and they said they'd get back to me, and thank god they did! My work experience teacher confirmed that I was allowed do this work and now I can't wait. I've heard from people who have done it that its a great experience and it's really worth the while.
Anyway, in history we were given topics to do our project on, we split these between the group and I was given Yuri Gargain and Alan Shepard. These were two astronauts during the space race. We were also told that we were going to be teaching third year students, to try an help them with their junior cert. That should be fun!
On friday we had a man come in and he thought us about using our bikes and transport. This was a really good class as I learned much more about transport that I never knew. We spent forty minutes with this man and he was really nice and caring to us all. He explained his presentation very well and we all took notes on this topic.
This week we were also given a date in which to hand up our science project in order to be accepted in to the Scifest. My team and I chose the theme of Sleep-Walking. I think this is really interesting and I cant wait to get started, theres so much to learn and so many questions to ask!

Sorry my post was late, been real busy with projects and stuff!
Talk'ches soon,
Soph xo

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